The Destructive Alliance

Leaks 14 de Jul de 2021 BR ES

Ricardo Salles, former Minister of the Environment, coordinated the Ministry of the Environment in one of the most problematic periods in history and was considered a global threat. Faithful follower of President Bolsonaro's booklet, he defended the total and annihilating exploitation that fuels capitalism, in benefit of agribusiness, was willing to cooperate, release and change amendments to mining, illegal mining and invasion of indigenous lands.

And this dismantling of the State and the environment had been supported and defended in two years of the Bolsonarist government. With public pressure and scandals in the media, he was forced to withdraw, but the president Bolsonaro follows with its harmful goals for the environment and indigenous issues.

Full Leak:|I655BFgjLWOmBnUvKyN2dL6iwLXOpEwr


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